Minister of Science, Technology Development, and Higher Education of Republika Srpska, Željko Budimir, stated today in Banja Luka that the Serb nation has been attacked through the misuse of BiH institutions and decision-making mechanisms in foreign policy.

Budimir believes this misuse attempts to impose a genocide label on the Serb people. “The real truth is that the Serb nation is the most afflicted in Southeast Europe. We must not forget the extensive targeting of Serb women and children,” Budimir said before the start of a roundtable on the proposed Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly, organized by the University of Banja Luka.

He highlighted the brutal actions of war criminal Naser Orić’s forces during the war: “When Orić’s hordes entered Kravica and nearby villages around Bratunac, they killed everyone—women, children, elderly, even dogs.”

Budimir emphasized that the first goal of the resolutions and subsequent widespread arrests under the so-called Inzko’s Law is to silence anyone who speaks out. “The second goal is to politically marginalize Serbs, which we cannot allow. Our task in academia is to pursue truth; we have acknowledged our faults where due, but we are also aware of what happened on the other side,” he remarked.

He reminded attendees of the ongoing trial of Atif Dudaković, commander of the 5th Corps of the Army of BiH, who was recorded instructing to “burn down the village, kill them all.”

Budimir pointed out that Republika Srpska is in a critical moment, with intentions to break the Serb people, label them as Nazis, and then ‘denazify’ them. “Only ‘suitable’ Serbs are expected to hold political functions in the future. They must understand that we are aware of this. We have a history of statehood in this region for 1,000 years, but if we do not fight with truth for our people, we will not survive,” added Budimir.

The roundtable aims to formalize the academic community of Republika Srpska’s stance on the proposed resolution.

Source: RTRS
