Branislav Vučetić, a witness to the events in Srebrenica in 1992, whose family was killed by Muslims, spoke at the “Srpska te zove” rally and shared the ordeal he endured during those tragic war years.

At one point, while testifying about the atrocities committed by Muslims and the torture he suffered, Vučetić broke down in tears, and many of the assembled citizens cried along with him. At that moment, Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska, approached him on the stage and embraced him.

However, he continued his story, concluding that there is no one to mourn the Serb victims except ourselves.

Vučetić emphasized that Republika Srpska is the guarantee of freedom for the Serb people.

The rally “Srpska te zove” was also attended by Slavka Mandić, a woman who lost her two daughters and husband on the same day as Vučetić.

Source: RTRS
