At the “Srpska te zove” rally in Banja Luka, Ana Brnabić, the President of the Serbian Parliament, stated that Serbia has always stood with Republika Srpska.

“It is important that we stick together and gather,” Brnabić emphasized.

She highlighted Serbia’s consistent support for the Dayton Agreement.

Brnabić pointed out that Serbian officials are the only ones in the region who have expressed condolences for the victims of other nations in the Balkans. She reminded the audience that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić was attacked in Srebrenica, and to this day, no one has been held accountable for that attack.

She noted that the resolution about Srebrenica being prepared at the UN is aimed against the Serb people, but Serbia has made diplomatic efforts to oppose it.

“We will show a spirit of defiance and pride. Serbia will stand with Srpska for as long as the world endures,” Brnabić declared.

Source: RTRS
