Attacks on Republika Srpska will never cease, and as long as it exists, there will be a need for its preservation, a responsibility that only a people like the Serbs can bear, assessed the lawyer Ognjen Tadic.

“I believe in the maturity of us who constitute the people of Republika Srpska, and that is why I will attend the rally scheduled for April 18th in Banja Luka, just as I did two years ago at the support gathering to protect the assets of Republika Srpska,” said Tadic.

He noted that people constantly ask when the attacks on Republika Srpska will stop and when those who attack it will finally settle down.

“The answer is very clear – they will never stop. As long as we have Republika Srpska, whether as an entity or a state, there will be a need to protect it. To safeguard its territory, people, constitutional order… Just as every other nation must protect its own state,” says Tadic.

This responsibility, he believes, can only be borne by mature nations, and the people of Republika Srpska are indeed a mature and responsible nation.

“If we stop protecting our Republic, then we will lose it. Just as some other nations have lost their states because they were not up to the task of having them,” concluded Tadic.

Source: RTRS
