President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, announced that Republika Srpska will initiate procedures for independence as a response to the Srebrenica resolution.

“I am proud of our determination to implement these measures concerning independence,” Dodik stated during a press conference.

He added that the Bosniak elite had scored an “own goal” with the resolution on Srebrenica.

“The Bosniak elite has completely shattered the structure and functioning of the international sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The genocide in Srebrenica did not occur. If it had, there would be no need to constantly push this agenda. The convictions issued were against individuals, not the people as a whole,” Dodik explained.

He emphasized that from 1992 to 1995, 4,100 Muslims died in the area of Srebrenica, but the deaths of between 2,500 and 3,500 Serbs there are rarely mentioned. “Genocide is a fabrication that will tear us apart. They are trying to force us to stay, despite the fact that they defame us. They want to make Srebrenica synonymous with genocide, and yet the actual number of casualties is still unclear,” said Dodik.

“Republika Srpska is stable and capable of defending itself from all attacks. There will be no discussions about accepting the so-called Srebrenica resolution. Peaceful separation is the only solution for all peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina has usurped powers that belong to the Republic. Republika Srpska’s Electoral Law is in accordance with the Constitution,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
