Branislav Borenović, a member of the BiH delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, stated that he will vote against the admission of self-declared Kosovo into this body at the spring session in Strasbourg, describing the mere consideration of the admission as a civilizational dusk and an assault on the sovereignty of a UN member state.

“Placing this report on the agenda is a disgrace and a shame, violating basic democratic principles, international law, and an assault on the sovereignty of a UN member state, and yet another dreadful precedent,” said Borenović, who is also a delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Borenović, who is the leader of the PDP party, warned that this precedent could tomorrow backfire on many European states and lead to new geopolitical turbulences, concluding that the temporary authorities in Pristina refuse to fulfill even the most basic condition, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities.

The Political Committee of the Council of Europe had earlier preliminarily supported an opinion which endorses the admission of self-declared Kosovo into this European organization.

The decision on the admission of self-declared Kosovo will be made by the Council of Ministers composed of the foreign ministers of the member states, and the issue will be discussed at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in April.

Members of the BiH delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Snežana Novaković Bursać, Saša Magazinović, Sabina Ćudić, and Branislav Borenović, will participate from tomorrow in Strasbourg at the second part of the regular annual session of this council’s parliament.

During the session, which will last until Friday, April 19th, a debate and vote on Kosovo’s membership application to the Council of Europe will take place, based on the report by rapporteur Dora Bakoyannis, as announced by the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

Source: RTRS
