The ongoing joint meetings of the highest leaderships of Republika Srpska and Serbia are crucial for preserving national interests, identity, and the territorial integrity of BiH as defined by the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional framework of Republika Srpska, stated Milorad Kojić, SNSD deputy in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH.

“The continuity of meetings on joint policies and the consensus on those policies held between the highest leaderships of Republika Srpska and Serbia are essential,” Kojić told Srna.

According to him, such meetings can only yield positive outcomes, particularly in securing the survival of the Serb people.

“This pertains not just to the territory of BiH, where Serbs are vulnerable, but also to fostering a unified image of the Serb people worldwide. It’s crucial that all Serbs, wherever they may live, feel a connection to Republika Srpska and Serbia,” emphasized Kojić.

Discussing President Milorad Dodik’s visit to France, Kojić highlighted the importance of making the position of Republika Srpska heard in Paris since BiH diplomacy is exclusively manipulated by Bosniak politicians.

“Through their /Bosniak/ ambassadors in various countries, they attempt to transmit a tailored narrative of the political, economic, and overall relations in BiH that suits their agenda, not reflecting the actual situation on the ground,” explained Kojić.

He added that in this context, intensified diplomatic activities by Republika Srpska are vital for European politicians to understand the real circumstances in BiH, and ultimately shape their diplomatic actions towards BiH, respecting its Dayton structure, the constitutional rights of its peoples, and the Serb national interest within BiH.

President Dodik concluded a multi-day visit to Paris, where he met among others with French senators, the President of the French National Assembly, Jaël Braun-Pive, and Colonel Jacques Ogar.

Following the visit to France, Dodik, along with the Serb member of the BiH Presidency Željka Cvijanović and the President of the National Assembly Nenad Stevandić, held discussions in Belgrade with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, Assembly President Ana Brnabić, and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić about the proposed Srebrenica resolution. Dodik announced that the National Assembly of Republika Srpska would convene on April 18 and 19 to make specific decisions, and a large public rally would be organized in Banja Luka.

Source: RTRS
