Serbia President Aleksandar Vučić has announced the dispatch of a special envoy to the President of the UN General Assembly as a measure against the proposed resolution on Srebrenica, which he argues was drafted in violation of procedures.

“Our chances are minimal, but we will fight against the Srebrenica resolution until the last moment,” said Vučić. He plans to send a special envoy with a letter on Monday to request a review of the procedural breaches, emphasizing that it is the Security Council’s duty to address issues related to Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the UN Charter. “The main sponsors behind this are NATO countries, Germany, the USA, the UK, and Turkey,” he stated.

Vučić questioned the timing of the resolution, suggesting it is being pushed now because fewer governments might support it in the future. “Are you marking 29 years? They know they will have less governmental support later, and that’s why they are rushing,” Vučić explained.

He pointed out the selective nature of historical genocide resolutions, noting that resolutions on genocide have not accused Germans of crimes in cities like Kragujevac and Kraljevo, but only of crimes against Jews. “What’s the point of all this? To declare the Serb people as genocidal,” Vučić asserted.

The Serbian president urged the leadership of Republika Srpska to continuously explore all options and to work diligently every day. “The comment by the German ambassador yesterday was disgraceful. When Hungary commented, they said ‘it’s never the right time for Serbia’, well maybe for you it is. They thought everyone would tremble with fear. They don’t understand the Serb people. On the day you adopt that resolution, you will see how proud we are. We will call all Serbs wherever they live to display our national symbols prominently, and the day after you declare us a genocidal people, we will raise our beautiful tricolor higher and show that the Serbian people cannot be broken,” Vučić concluded.

Source: RTRS
