The Russian Embassy in BiH believes that internal stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina can only be reinforced by political forces through dialogue and a patient search for mutually acceptable solutions. They assert that NATO, as an aggressive alliance, is incapable of “protecting” BiH.

“The external factor should be contributing to this end, not exacerbating the situation by imposing false alternatives and counterproductive initiatives aimed at destabilizing the state of BiH for the sole purpose of maintaining a protectorate and neo-colonial administration,” the diplomatic mission informed Srna.

The Russian Embassy considers unilateral statements about the necessity of rapidly expanding NATO’s presence in BiH to be extremely irresponsible and likely to provoke further confrontation.

As a guarantor state of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the Russian Embassy reminds that the decision on membership in international organizations is the exclusive prerogative of the Presidency of BiH.

“As is well known, there is no consensus within the Presidency of BiH, nor within BiH itself, regarding NATO membership. Furthermore, there are serious disagreements on this issue,” the Embassy commented in response to appeals by the Bosniak member of the BiH Presidency, Denis Bećirović, for NATO to extend an invitation for membership to BiH and to return to military bases in BiH.

Source: RTRS
