Spring is here, bringing an adrenaline adventure for all runners at the “Run&More Weekend” festival, set to unite sport and fun once again on June 1st and 2nd. Elite runners and those who dance along the trails of laughter, music, and colors will gather. Banja Luka must be experienced with all your senses!

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the half-marathon on Bosnia and Herzegovina’s fastest track. We will run for the best time or for great fun. Somewhere between the start and the finish line, we might conquer a few blisters just to remind us that every medal has two sides. Prizes await everyone—from seasoned athletes with Olympic standards for Paris to the youngest participants taking their first steps on the track.

WHY #ijatrcimbanjaluku?

Bambini Marathon, School Run, 5k Team Run, 10k, and 21k on green, flat, fast, and airy tracks. Certified by AIMS. Cash prizes for the fastest female and male runners, unique medals, and surprise birthday gifts at the landmark tenth RMC Banja Luka Half Marathon. Plus, a special city award for the fastest locals… Dozens of volunteers, refreshment stations, motivational music, and the energetic women of Banja Luka for an inspiring festival atmosphere… Every step is a chance for the joy of running and pushing personal limits.

An explosion of fun and color!

Pack your white shirts for the uproarious Color Fun Run and remember, this isn’t just a race—it’s a festival of colors, laughter, music, and the wildest fun. We forget conventional patterns and surrender to dances among colorful clouds. Each step becomes an adventure, and every path a stage for incredible performances. We’re changing the rules of the game, turning the world upside down, and becoming the favorite event in Banja Luka’s calendar. We choose only bright and joyful colors. Are you ready?


We continue to nurture the philanthropic character of the races. Every participant, from ages “7 to 77,” will have the opportunity to support the development of sports culture among generations growing up glued to smartphones. As soon as they look up from their screens—there’s life. We have specially designed competitions for our little runners and future champions, making the track their playground and victory about developing team spirit, friendship, and healthy habits they’ll carry from the start to the finish line. Sponsor gifts included.

This unique festival concept in Europe was breathed into life by Banja Luka’s own Goran Ćorić, seasoned with running experiences from Boston, New York, London…

  • We’re recruiting a new army of young athletes who will hopefully conquer our tracks in BiH and perhaps reach the world’s greatest competitions. Symbolically, the place where we gather them. Our internal, humorous motto is “where Đoković stopped, you continue!” The record number of elementary and high school students at the start line in front of the ATP Center in Banja Luka is the best confirmation that together with my team, I am not off course. On the contrary. Years of work have popularized healthy habits among the new generations. – says Ćorić.

Be part of the team that moves! Sign up!

We will run, laugh, collide, fall, extend hands to each other, spread good energy and sportsmanship. Bring fans too! “Run&More Weekend” cheers even for those who have never run. In the beautiful surroundings of a city rich in history, culture, and green spaces, you’ll find not only a sports challenge but also a chance for a great night out with open-air concerts, the best cevapi, refreshments from the most experienced brewery in BiH and world-renowned rafting through the Vrbas canyon with frothy waterfalls and rapids turning idyllic peace into top excitement.

This year, like previous ones, we have the support of our traditional sponsors and friends of the festival.

“Let each of us be the grain that starts an avalanche of change and the voice that inspires others. ‘Run&More Weekend’ is not just among competitors. We want you to win too. See you in Banja Luka!” say the organizers.

Source: Atv
