The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has stated that Bosniak politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina will permanently destroy any possibility of an agreement with the Serbs by pushing the Srebrenica resolution in the UN General Assembly.

“Through the complete misuse and privatization of institutions by the Bosniaks, sponsored by Germany, it is shown that BiH cannot survive this deception related to Srebrenica,” Dodik posted on social media.

He emphasized that “everything related to Srebrenica is a political project meant to permanently mark the Serb people, and history will show whether this was a project of former American President Bill Clinton and the then Bosniak leader in BiH, Alija Izetbegović.”

Dodik highlighted that the Serbs must not fall for these provocations by Bosniak politicians and their Western sponsors, who, he said, had, and still have, the goal of demonizing the Serbian people.

“There are serious proofs that Srebrenica was an arrangement between Alija Izetbegović and Bill Clinton. In that sense, the events in Srebrenica cannot be characterized as genocide under international law,” stated Dodik.

He said that the Bosniaks and Germans, primarily, who want to cleanse their criminal past, now wish to impose this issue through political violence.

“We, the Serbs, say that it was not genocide and we do not accept any resolutions or platforms,” emphasized Dodik.

He advised that the Serbs as a nation should reject the imposition of this issue and not give it any credence.

“For the Serbs, it was not genocide and any speculation about it should be absolutely rejected,” Dodik declared.

Source: RTRS
