The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is on a working visit to France. Today, he will attend a meeting in the French Senate.

Dodik told RTRS that he would inform the senators about the situation in BiH and the pressures on Republika Srpska and its leadership, clearly stating that Republika Srpska is not in favor of joining NATO.

He also mentioned that he would inform the senators about the decisions made by Christian Schmidt that have jeopardized BiH’s path towards the EU.

Republika Srpska will, if Schmidt’s decisions are not withdrawn, enact its electoral law and conduct elections, Dodik emphasized.

Dodik announced that during his visit to France, he would present the advantages of Srpska for investments.

Yesterday, the President of Srpska visited the Church of Saint Sava in Paris, where he was welcomed by Bishop Justin of Western Europe.

Source: RTRS
