The policy of Republika Srpska encompasses peace, stability, respect for the Dayton Agreement, and the Constitution through the agreement of two entities and three constitutive peoples. However, political Sarajevo has a constant need to awaken the ghosts of war by rattling weapons, stated Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac.

Košarac emphasized that the security situation in BiH is stable and there are no major security challenges, a fact confirmed by EUFOR.

“However, if facts do not match the narrative of political Sarajevo, so much worse for the facts. Thus, Denis Zvizdić would once again, for who knows which time, deploy NATO troops in the Brčko District, simultaneously calling for a greater presence of EUFOR forces. He says it’s because of /President of Republika Srpska/ Milorad Dodik and the warmongering rhetoric from Republika Srpska! What is Zvizdić talking about? Do the announcements by partners from the ‘troika’ about the production of ‘suicide’ drones sound like a prime example of pacifist rhetoric to him, after he mastered the lesson from his former party boss about ‘howitzers for just in case’?” Košarac wrote on Instagram after a meeting with Deputy Minister of Defence in the Council of Ministers, Aleksandar Goganović.

Košarac questioned why the Bosniak political factor has a constant need to awaken the ghosts of war by rattling weapons, and what is the point of raising tensions and sowing fear among the population?

“It is perfectly clear to us who benefits from the destabilization of the situation in BiH and who undermines internal agreement in every possible way – the illegitimate Christian Schmidt and some Western diplomats, led by American Ambassador Michael Murphy,” Košarac stated.

He pointed out that these are the addresses to which Bosniak politicians “go for wisdom.”

“Remove the insane ideas from your heated heads and stop with the militant narrative. You will not cause any chaos here, no matter how hard you try to orchestrate it. The policy of Republika Srpska is peace, stability, respect for Dayton, and the Constitution through the agreement of two entities and three constitutive peoples. We will protect our rights through institutional struggle in accordance with the Constitution,” Košarac conveyed.

Source: RTRS
