Republika Srpska is stable despite the numerous pressures it faces. No representative of the institutions will allow succumbing to pressures and blackmail, stated Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska.

“It is a disgrace for Serbs that there are individuals like Šarović, Borenović, Trivić, Vukanović, Milićević, and the like, who fail to see the importance of the Serbian factor being united and rallied around the most crucial issues for the survival of the Serbian people,” Dodik emphasized on X.

He highlighted that this speaks volumes about them, their ambitions, and their lack of concern for their own people and country.

“In the institutions, we will continue to implement responsible national and state policies, not the whims of Americans. Political retirees who have ruined everything they could for Republika Srpska should at least remain silent in these moments,” Dodik mentioned.

Dodik declared that Republika Srpska has its own path, its policies, and will not implement American ones.

Source: RTRS
