The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated yesterday that he will propose the annulment of decisions made by Christian Schmidt.

“I propose that we attempt to ease the situation in BiH as follows – all decisions made by the false Schmidt should be revoked by the colonial administration within a period of seven days. If this is not done, our representatives should schedule a session of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, and that assembly should declare Schmidt’s decisions as unauthorized and null, prohibit the application of those decisions by BiH authorities, and declare the OHR website as an unacceptable and illegal place for publishing acts. The BiH Parliamentary Assembly should also prohibit the Official Gazette of BiH from publishing acts of foreigners and their organizations,” Dodik said in an address at a special session of the National Assembly.

He mentioned that he would propose the adoption of the BiH Election Law with all technical improvements to be applied immediately in the elections and the dismantling of the Central Election Commission (CIK) as, he says, a quasi-state institution and organization and reduce it to what that commission truly is.

“I will propose that the BiH Parliamentary Assembly confirm, by a separate act, the constitutional provision that decisions for the BiH level can only be made in this assembly, as well as to establish a fast track for EU approximation with a clear indication of what needs to be done,” Dodik said.

He announced that it would be proposed to adopt a declaration confirming the territorial integrity of BiH and the political system envisaged by the Constitution and to send a message of desire for rapid stabilization in this way.

“At this session, it should be declared that the US Ambassador Michael Murphy, the British Ambassador, Schmidt, and the German Ambassador are enemies of BiH, their actions should be prohibited, and they should be expelled from BiH,” Dodik said.

He emphasized that if this does not happen, he will propose that Republika Srpska immediately cease cooperation until the end and not return to the decision-making system in BiH.

“I will propose that we immediately, substantively, and formally terminate partnerships with the parties with whom we are in partnership at the BiH level and offer other structures among the Bosniaks, for example, the SDA, to make a certain agreement that would enable a new time,” Dodik said.

He also said that Republika Srpska will adopt a declaration and confirm the territorial integrity of BiH, as well as the constitutional arrangement with two entities and three constituent peoples.

“Republika Srpska will insist, if this does not happen, that a declaration be adopted at the Easter Assembly, declaring that the Bosniaks have violated the Dayton Agreement and saying that Serbia can no longer stand behind it and that it is ready, as a subject of international law, in international institutions to defend Republika Srpska and the Dayton Agreement,” Dodik said.

“Another measure is for the National Assembly of Republika Srpska to adopt a conclusion within the framework of considering the overall situation and to obligate the Government to create a comprehensive program of measures and activities aimed at equipping and modernizing the police of Republika Srpska,” the president of Republika Srpska said at the end of the address at the special session of the National Assembly.

Source: RTRS
