Legal expert Ognjen Tadić has emphasized that Christian Šmit’s imposition of amendments to the Election Law of BiH deliberately provokes conflicts with Republika Srpska.

Tadić stated that Šmit is attempting to remain in the political life of BiH, from which he has been de facto expelled by the decision of local parties and EU representatives to negotiate and cooperate without his participation, through conflicts.

“It is pointless to argue that Šmit intends to contribute to democracy or electoral conditions. After all, Šmit does not even respect the vote in the UN Security Council, where he did not receive enough votes to be the high representative,” Tadić expressed on social media.

He emphasized that Šmit signed a decision that sends anyone who opposes him to prison, which is a direct attack on the very foundations of democracy.

“Even in Germany, as a minister, he did not respect democratic relations and approved the use of the controversial herbicide glyphosate,” Tadić noted.

Source: RTRS
