The Prime Minister of Republika Srpska, Radovan Višković, stated that for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the abnormal has become normal, and with the imposition of amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s European path has likely come to an end.

“It does not surprise me that half of Bosnia and Herzegovina recognizes a man /Christian Schmidt/ who is illegally present in this region, as he lacks UN verification to be the High Representative. The decision a few days ago about opening EU negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina has essentially been closed with today’s imposition,” said Višković to Srna.

He emphasized that if a country wishes to be a member of the EU, it must independently, through its resources and institutions, make decisions and create solutions.

“Republika Srpska will seek its own path in everything. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, peoples live, and it is not a civic country as Schmidt thinks. I am not surprised by his imposition, and this confirms the old saying that where reason ends, Bosnia and Herzegovina begins,” added Višković.

According to him, nowhere in the world exists a country that is as occupied and lacks sovereignty as Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Višković stressed that there was an absolute agreement among representatives of the three constituent peoples to independently create the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with the Constitution, but someone did not allow it.

“This has violated the basic postulate of a country’s existence, which is to decide its own fate. The Election Law, after the Constitution, is the highest act in every country, and by imposing it, citizens are deprived of their electoral will and the secrecy of the vote. Here, they want to introduce things that exist nowhere else. It is clear that it is more important for Western countries that Bosnia and Herzegovina be sold election equipment so that someone can profit from it,” said Višković.

He mentioned that it is unacceptable for the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina to choose electoral committees on its own, thus making the elected members professionals, raising the question of who will pay for them.

“Republika Srpska has shown that it genuinely intended for Bosnia and Herzegovina to function in a constitutional and legal manner, but obviously, there are those for whom this is not in their interest. They want this to be an unstable region so they can remain here for a few more decades. All of this is sad, sorrowful, and unbelievable,” concluded Višković.

German citizen Christian Schmidt, who presents himself as the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, said today that he has made a decision on amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the aim, he claims, of supporting the announced process of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s accession to the EU.

Source: RTRS
