President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated today that Republika Srpska cannot accept living under imposed regulations, emphasizing that Christian Schmidt has nothing to do with the electoral process in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Commenting on Schmidt’s announcement about the possibility of imposing an Electoral Law for Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dodik said that if this imposition goes through, Schmidt will not stop there and will impose a property law, which is unacceptable.

“Schmidt has nothing to do with property or the electoral process; it belongs to the people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If you proceed with this, then we must take measures, and we have stated which measures we will take,” stated the President of Republika Srpska.

Dodik stressed that any potential imposition of amendments to the Electoral Law would represent “the negation of all previously expressed values, including those about the EU, especially recently when Bosnia and Herzegovina was granted negotiating status.”

“Then it’s all a lie. Someone is heavily lying here. Or it’s about someone appearing a few days after the decision in Brussels to undermine everything, a person falsely presenting themselves as the high representative, who exclusively listens to the U.S. ambassador in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Murphy, and in a pathological symbiosis, they attempt to impose as much harm as possible on all peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.

Dodik highlighted that nowhere in the world does a country allow a foreigner or a foreign entity to regulate the electoral process.

“Schmidt is trying to justify his salary of 25,000 euros and feed Murphy’s vanity,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
