Republika Srpska has endured unprecedented pressures for years due to its responsible national policy of preserving Serb interests, constitutional position, and rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the Dayton Agreement, says the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“We have shown that we can and want to strengthen our Republic, as well as the power to deal with traps and the increasingly strong anti-Serb propaganda that seeks to worsen the position of all Serbs. Our strength lies in our love for Republika Srpska, our people, our values, and our friends, who have never left us,” emphasized Dodik on X.

He observes that the Americans have a clearly outlined plan they aim to implement here through sanctions and blackmail.

“They attempt to undermine the progress achieved on the European path just so their dominance isn’t questioned. Alongside our progress and the significant message from the EU about accepting Dayton’s BiH, their persecution continues through unconstitutional institutions. They even threaten with some new names, and their actions are amplified through controlled factors. This policy has never been friendly towards the Serbs. It’s a policy of force, wanting to suppress every voice that isn’t part of the American narrative,” stated Dodik.

Yesterday, Dodik notes, they had the opportunity to see the extent of their hatred towards the Serbs and all their cunningness, hearing statements that approve the aggression against the Serbian people and everything they’ve done.

“Everything they do is deeply aimed against the Serbs. It has nothing to do with peace or stability, and every sane person knows this. To claim that innocent civilians can be bombed to achieve peace can only be done by heartless, unscrupulous, and vile scoundrels who know nothing of morality and empathy. They targeted innocent civilians, killed our children, and now they lecture us about justice,” said Dodik.

Even today, he points out, they challenge the possibility of holding a UN Security Council session where everything that was done would be discussed.

“Their well-known method is to silence all voices that could speak the truth. They want to erase our memories and our pain with their lies. We will never allow this. Serbs will never forget what they did, and BiH will never join NATO. No one in Republika Srpska will agree to that. Serbs will never be able to forget the sufferings and the force that attacks innocent civilians and devastates everything around us. But, the Serbs have survived and will become stronger. No matter how much they try to silence us, we will become louder,” says Dodik.

Source: RTRS
