The presence of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and foreign judges is incompatible with the European path, stated Milorad Dodik, President of Republika Srpska.

Dodik highlighted on the social network X that the statement by the Swedish Minister for European Affairs shows that the EU is once again resorting to its usual deceptions and that the decision to open negotiations holds no real significance, as the enlargement policy has long failed.

“Republika Srpska entered the process of fulfilling the priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion earnestly and decisively, ready to implement all necessary reforms in a manner that reflects its constitutional structure, to finally regain the lost sovereignty of BiH, which has been undermined by foreign interventions. Such positions are unacceptable for any sovereign country and threaten to erode the little trust that remains towards the EU,” Dodik emphasized.

He mentioned that we are not prepared to serve the personal promotion of this set of leaders in the process of European integration and to applaud their proficiency in talking about the rule of law and democracy while remaining silent when it comes to a person synonymous with injustice and tyranny in any democracy.

“The OHR is incompatible with the European path and a functional BiH, as are foreign judges. Europe leaves us with little choice by supporting the usurper. I have repeated this numerous times and will say it again: any attempt at imposition, as well as any support for imposition in BiH, will be the end of any discussion in BiH. Republika Srpska has mechanisms to protect itself from the violence and injustice promoted by America. Europe should state whether it supports democracy or a colony. It is dangerously cynical to talk about progress while simultaneously threatening with a fake Schmidt and waving sanctions,” Dodik stressed.

There are no resources or sanctions, according to Dodik, for which Republika Srpska will forsake its values and identity.

“We have never been subservient or obedient and will not allow our common sense to be insulted by promoting a system that undermines the independence and sovereignty of the country, as well as the achieved cooperation among representatives of the constituent peoples, which is the foundation of any further progress in BiH,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
