With a concert for babies and the premiere of the play “Barking at the Stars,” the third “Juhu Fest” – a festival for children and families, will commence, gathering little ones and their parents at the “Jazavac” City Theater from April 1st to 6th.

The concert for babies is scheduled to start on April 1st at 6 PM, followed by the play at 8 PM.

As announced by the “Jazavac” City Theater, the goal of “Juhu Fest” is to attract and entertain a large number of children, preschoolers, and elementary school students, to cultural institutions with quality programs selected for their age group.

“There’s a pronounced issue of insufficient socialization among preschool and school-aged children. Boys and girls are increasingly less active, cultural aspects are neglected, and most of their time is spent in front of smartphone screens. Psychologists point to a rising trend of autistic children, increased violence in schools, and a lack of parental attention,” the theater stated.

They explained that, starting from facts about today’s lifestyle of a family and the time children spend with digital devices and easily accessible but inappropriate content, they believe the time spent with parents alongside quality content created by theater professionals is precious for their psychological and physical development.

“This is important for the socialization of boys and girls, and their intellectual, cognitive, and emotional abilities,” they added.

During the festival’s second evening on April 2nd (Tuesday), starting at 6 PM, the Mostar Puppet Theater will perform “Once There Was an Egg” for the youngest audience, intended for ages three and up. That same day, storytelling time is planned for 7 PM, followed by board games for teenagers at 8 PM.

The following day, April 3rd, at 6 PM, the performance “The Dragon of Salvation” by the ensemble of Čiča Miča Theater will begin, aimed at children aged four plus. That evening, from 7 PM, there will be storytelling, and from 8 PM, board games for teenagers.

“Little Red Riding Hood’s Fairytale” by the “Jazavac” City Theater will be performed on the festival’s third evening, April 4th, at 6 PM, intended for boys and girls aged four and up. Like the previous evenings, storytelling is scheduled for the mentioned time, and children and parents can enjoy the Juhu Quiz for Families at 8 PM.

The “Jazavac” ensemble will perform “A Scooter Trip Around the World” on April 5th at 6 PM, followed by storytelling at 6 PM and the Juhu Quiz for Families at 8 PM.


The “Jazavac” City Theater highlighted the multifaceted significance of realizing the “Juhu” fest.

“Education and socialization of children as an extremely important aspect are at the forefront,” added the “Jazavac” City Theater.

Source: Glas Srpske
