Constitutional law professor Siniša Karan emphasized that the initial and final death blows to this unfortunate country named BiH are delivered precisely by the entity that should supremely prevent it.

“The Constitutional Court of BiH is the last, most powerful mechanism and weapon of all unitarists and representatives of the policy of domination by only one nation! This institution, if it can even be called that, has inflicted greater harm on BiH, even more than all those foreigners and ‘international’ figures who have been making our lives miserable for decades,” Karan stressed in a statement to Srna.

Reacting to the Venice Commission’s suggestion to change the Constitutional Court’s quorum and decision-making majority rules, and the steps this court can take, including the most significant ones like extending the mandate of judges after they turn 70 and changes in voting procedures in the plenary session and the Grand Chamber of the Court, actions immediately supported by the German national in BiH, Christian Schmidt, Karan pointed out that regulating constitutional matters, the most crucial for a country, through procedural rules is the absurdity of absurdities.

“This is the most drastic violation of constitutional order and structure by the Constitutional Court, unseen anywhere else on the globe. Constitutional norms are crystal clear, yet they’ve again overridden the Geneva and New York principles by voting, creating a unitary state of one nation,” Karan said, emphasizing that this is clearly their only purpose.

The constitutional law professor highlighted that the most drastic proof of this is the immediate support of such actions by the Constitutional Court from someone who is nobody and nothing, the unfortunate Christian Schmidt.
“Although it’s somewhat redundant to repeat, but I’ll say it again: the very existence of high representatives is an unprecedented form of tutelage and protectorate in the 21st century, fervently aided by the Constitutional Court of BiH with its three foreign judges. The civilian implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement has long been achieved, and the presence and activities of the Office of the High Representative have been a serious burden on BiH’s progress for many years and are incompatible with the concept of the Constitution of BiH, posing a hindrance on its path to European integration,” added Karan.

He pointed out that the Constitutional Court of BiH has become an alienated center of power, authority above authorities, judicature, an organ of arbitrariness, an outpost of the major Bosniak majority politics, a destroyer of Dayton-agreed principles, a demolisher of the Constitution of BiH, a leader in eliminating the found framework for coexistence in a multiethnic confederal-federal newly formed state community.

“Unreal and completely illogical, but in BiH, reality is the Constitutional Court, where foreign judges sit, behaving like a separate, fourth supranational authority in BiH, accountable to no one but itself. The strongest weapon of unitarists, the strongest weapon of Bosniak politics, the strongest weapon of American and English policy today is called the Constitutional Court of BiH,” concluded Karan.

Source: RTRS
