Political analyst Dragomir Andjelković has assessed Brussels’ decision to initiate accession talks with BiH as cynical, without first making an effort to free it from neocolonial restraints.

“Today, BiH still has a self-proclaimed high representative and an illegal judicial process against the democratically elected president of one entity, making this move appear cynical,” Andjelković stated.

Andjelković mentioned that Republika Srpska has always firmly adhered to the Dayton Peace Agreement, which it has never violated, while those who undermine it cynically accuse it of pursuing a policy of separatism.

“This is outright insolence, and if the EU truly wishes to promote European values, it would have to abandon this policy. So far, nothing indicates a move in that direction,” Andjelković pointed out.

He expressed doubt about Brussels’ good intentions.

“By deciding to open accession talks with BiH, Brussels probably does not have good intentions, likely involving a particularly deceitful game where supposed goodwill is shown, only to demand new concessions, blaming any negotiation stalls on Banja Luka, with claims that citizens would live better if relations with Brussels were regulated,” Andjelković explained to Srna.

According to him, everything the West has previously attempted in terms of centralizing BiH and stripping Republika Srpska of its Dayton powers will likely be conducted in a much more sophisticated manner, using European negotiating chapters.

He added that the discussion on European integration itself does not have to be negative, but its misuse is detrimental.

“We have seen how Serbia was brought to a state where Kosovo and Metohija were practically snatched away, and although it pains us to lose Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia still retains its statehood. Here, an attempt will be made to completely annul the statehood of Republika Srpska under the guise of supposed European integration,” Andjelković believes.

Yesterday, the European Commission decided to open accession talks between BiH and the EU.

Source: RTRS
