The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, has sent a letter of support to Vladimir Putin, the independent candidate in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, wishing him another victory that would undoubtedly mean further progress and development of friendly Russia, as well as the enhancement of relations and strengthening of cooperation with Republika Srpska.

“The Russian people are choosing their future these days. I am convinced that their future is in the politics you lead and that their choice will be Vladimir Putin. These elections are of great significance for brotherly Russia, but also for us who see in you a great statesman and friend of Republika Srpska and the Serb people as a whole,” emphasized the President of Srpska in the letter of support sent to Putin.

Dodik pointed out that the progress Russia has made under the leadership of Vladimir Putin proves the correctness of the policy he is conducting, which is aimed at preserving unity, sovereignty, and security of the country, all Christian values, tradition, history, and culture.

“I believe that the citizens of the Russian Federation will recognize and reward your patriotism, loyalty to the homeland, as well as the work and effort you have put in for a better future of Russia and the Russian people, by entrusting you with confidence for the next presidential term,” Dodik highlighted.

President Dodik emphasized that it is of utmost importance for Republika Srpska, as well as the Serbian people as a whole, that Vladimir Putin, a leader with a vision and clear policy aimed at the welfare of the Russian people, prosperity, and progress of the country, remains the President of the Russian Federation, as announced by the Office of the President of Srpska.

Reminding that Republika Srpska and the Russian Federation traditionally have good relations, Dodik expressed hope that this would continue in the future to mutual satisfaction.

“Much has been done in our cooperation so far, and I believe that political and economic cooperation can be raised to an even higher level. You have personally marked and contributed to the close relations and brotherly cooperation between Republika Srpska and the Russian Federation, and I am convinced that this will continue after these presidential elections, and that the Russian people will choose the best candidate – Vladimir Putin,” Dodik emphasized.

The President of Srpska wished Putin a lot of luck, success in the presidential elections, and a convincing victory that would secure a better, safer, and more peaceful future for all.

Voting has begun in Russia in the presidential elections. The first to exercise their voting right will be the residents of Kamchatka, where polling stations have already opened – voting will take place from 8:00 to 20:00 from March 15 to March 17.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has registered four presidential candidates: Nikolai Kharitonov (Communist Party), Leonid Slutsky (LDPR), Vladislav Dankov (New People), and Vladimir Putin as an independent candidate.

The CEC will announce the preliminary results of the voting in the morning of March 18. The Commission will come out with the first results at 21:00 on Sunday, March 17.

Source: RTRS
