
Anđelković: Americans Act in the Spirit of Mafia Logic

Anđelković: Americans Act in the Spirit of Mafia Logic

Political analyst Dragomir Anđelković assessed that the sanctions of the United States against three associates of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, show that Americans act in the spirit of mafia logic because they know they are hijackers and destroy Dayton, but they assume they have the power and can make life difficult for anyone who resists them.

Anđelković pointed out that the United States targeted Dodik’s associates to scare them, but it will not work.

“The Americans want to intimidate others through them, aware that, if the structures of Republika Srpska acted on the basis that they could be targeted and therefore be cautious about what they do, many legitimate decisions of Republika Srpska could not be realized,” Anđelković told Srna.

He believes that the goal of targeting Dodik’s associates is to clip the wings of the legitimate authorities of Republika Srpska in implementing decisions.

“I think it will not pass and that there is no fear in Republika Srpska. Just as Dodik was not afraid because he is under the impact of American sanctions and because he was targeted in various ways by some factors in Europe like the Germans, so his associates will not be afraid,” Anđelković assessed.

According to him, it is a solid team that defends Republika Srpska and will not give in because someone threatens and endangers them.

“The Americans are powerless in this case. They try to do everything on bluff and intimidation. But, when they hit a wall, they won’t be able to do anything,” said Anđelković.

The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that it imposed sanctions on the general secretary and advisor to the President of Republika Srpska, Jelena Pajić Baština, and Branislav Okuka, as well as the chairperson of the Council of Peoples of Republika Srpska, Srebrenka Golić, because by organizing and celebrating the Day of Republika Srpska, January 9th this year, they “undermined peace and stability in BiH”.

The statement claims that they “facilitated President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik’s efforts to undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement, the authority of the Constitutional Court of BiH, and the high representative”.

Source: RTRS
