This is political persecution, a continuation of the American policy directed against Serbs and Republika Srpska – was the message from the National Assembly of Republika Srpska as a sharp response to the American administration for the imposed sanctions.

The American administration’s harassment of people who have not committed any violation, as seen by the highest legislative institution of Republika Srpska, represents a new round of sanctions due to the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska, January 9th.

The list of sanctioned individuals in the coming days and months, as MPs suspect, will be even longer. The message is clear to every individual – if you fight for the interests of the Serbian people, you can expect such a treatment from the American administration. Despite this, they say, they will do their job as it should be done and as citizens expect from them.

The introduction of American sanctions against associates of the President of Republika Srpska represents political persecution unrelated to the judiciary, said Nenad Stevandić, the President of the National Assembly of Republika Srpska.

“This is only a continuation of their policy directed against Serbs in Republika Srpska, against Serbs generally wherever they are in the world. This is a message to all of us individually; if you fight for what the people have elected you for, if you fight for the interests of the Serbian people, you can very likely expect such things,” said Mladen Ilić, an MP of SNSD in the National Assembly of Republika Srpska.

Srđan Amidžić, the General Secretary of SNSD, emphasized that the American administration shows its nervousness and powerlessness with the latest sanctions against the General Secretary of the President of Republika Srpska, Jelena Pajić Baština, advisor Branislav Okuka, and the chairwoman of the Council of Peoples of Republika Srpska, Srebrenka Golić.

Amidžić pointed out that there is no concrete explanation why the general secretary of the President of Republika Srpska, the advisor, and the chairwoman of the Council of Peoples were targeted this time, except for a somewhat humorous statement that they were guilty of participating in the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska.

“What’s next, imposing sanctions for celebrating a slava? Simply tragicomic,” Amidžić wrote on the social network X.

The introduction of new sanctions against associates of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, is a sign of weakness of the US officials, who, through classic intimidation, try to weaken Dodik’s political influence, stated Denis Šulić, a member of the Main Board of SNSD and the Minister of Trade and Tourism of Republika Srpska, to Srna.

“To their dismay, neither Pajić Baština, Okuka, nor Golić, whom I know very well and have cooperated with for years, belong to a group of people who are easily intimidated, and this method cannot influence their stances,” Šulić assured.

Milorad Kojić, an SNSD MP in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, emphasized that by imposing American sanctions against officials of Republika Srpska for their participation in the organization of the Day of Republika Srpska, there is an intention to destroy history and erase the identity of the Serb people in these areas.

“Seeing which individuals are involved and the reasoning, we can say that this is a continuity of attempts to destroy the Serbian identity in these areas,” said Kojić.

According to him, the explanation that someone was sanctioned for participating in the organization of the celebration of January 9th means that all those who participated in the organization and celebration of one of the most significant dates in Serb history are sanctioned.

Borivoje Obradović, an SNSD MP in the National Assembly of Republika Srpska, emphasized that Republika Srpska must not give up its path.

“Imagine sanctioning someone and punishing them for celebrating the Day of their Republic. That’s shameful. Our people have gone through many difficult moments throughout history. This evil will pass too, I am sure,” said Obradović.

Sanja Vulić, the head of the SNSD MP Club in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, stated to Srna that the American sanctions against associates of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, for organizing the Day of Republika Srpska are the last cries of Michael Murphy.

“Being aware that Donald Trump is returning to the pedestal of victory, the outgoing administration does nothing but lobby for the imposition of sanctions against the closest associates and advisors of President Dodik,” Vulić highlighted.

Darko Banjac, the President of the People’s Party of Republika Srpska, told Srna that force is the only way the United States operates, and their sanctions cannot stop the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska.

Banjac emphasized that by imposing sanctions on the associates of the President of Republika Srpska for their participation in the organization of the celebration of the Day of Republika Srpska, the United States sends a message that democracy does not exist and that force is the only way they operate.

Snježana Novaković Bursać, a Serb delegate in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, told Srna that the expansion of the circle of individuals covered by the American administration’s sanctions once again shows the complete absurdity of the United States’ actions towards BiH.

Lawyer Ognjen Tadić stated that the American sanctions for the three officials of Republika Srpska have nothing to do with the organization of the celebration of January 9th – the Day of Republika Srpska, although the celebration was used as a pretext.

“Jelena Baština, Srebrenka Golić, and Branislav Okuka are the first associates of the President of Republika Srpska who played a significant role in creating political relations in which there was cooperation within BiH that preceded the decision to open negotiations with the EU as a positive atmosphere,” said Tadić to Srna.

Reminder: The Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury today imposed sanctions on Branislav Okuka, Jelena Pajić Baština, and Srebrenka Golić because by organizing and celebrating the Day of Republika Srpska, January 9th this year, they “undermined peace and stability in BiH.”

Source: RTRS
