The President of the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Minihanov, emphasized that the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, firmly protects the interests of his people and Republika Srpska amidst tough global turbulences and significant external pressures.

“Please accept my warmest congratulations on your 65th birthday. As an experienced politician and statesman, you firmly protect the interests of your people and Republika Srpska, under tough global turbulences and significant external pressures, implementing initiatives beneficial for the inhabitants of the Republic and projects strengthening cooperation with Russia,” Minihanov conveyed in his birthday message to Dodik.

He sincerely wished Dodik reliable support from his compatriots and success in his challenging work at such a responsible position, as well as inexhaustible energy and inspiration to achieve all his goals.

Minihanov expressed his pleasure in having developed friendly personal relations with Dodik.

“I hope they will serve the effective development of business and humanitarian connections between our republics in the interest of the people of Russia and BiH,” Minihanov emphasized.

The Governor of Saint Petersburg, Alexander Beglov, acknowledged his deep gratitude to Dodik for his consistently friendly attitude towards Saint Petersburg and support for bilateral contacts.

“Receive sincere and warm congratulations on your 65th birthday! For many years, you have tirelessly worked in a high position, fulfilling a very responsible and noble mission to protect and promote the interests of Republika Srpska and its inhabitants,” Beglov stated.

He portrayed Dodik as a true leader capable of achieving results in any endeavor and highlighted that his high professionalism, organizational talent, extensive knowledge, energy, and decisiveness enable him to effectively address the most complex issues.

“I would like to assure you that you can always count on the Northern Capital of Russia in the implementation of joint projects and initiatives. On this significant jubilee, I wish you good health, prosperity, optimism, new achievements, and victories! May happiness and success always accompany you in all your endeavors!” Beglov added.

The General Director of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, wished Dodik strength, energy, new successes, and achievements in state, political, and public life, as well as plenty of health, happiness, and prosperity to him and his loved ones.

“On behalf of the Management Board of Gazprom and on my own behalf, I heartily congratulate you on your 65th birthday,” Miller added.

Crown Prince Alexander Karađorđević wished Dodik, above all, good health, as well as every happiness to him and his family.

Dodik thanked everyone who sent him birthday greetings.

“Thank you all for the birthday congratulations and kind wishes,” Dodik wrote on the social network X.

Dodik was born on March 12, 1959, in Banja Luka.

Source: RTRS
