Given that it concerns a political process against the President of Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and acting director Miloš Lukić, I expect the Court of BiH to continue disregarding the basic principles and practices, said Lazar Stjepanović, the legal representative of Republika Srpska, on the morning program of RTRS.

Stjepanović emphasizes that every court must be independent and objective and not take sides.

“However, we see here that the Court of BiH is taking the side of the Prosecution. All appeals and objections from the defense were expediently rejected. It’s questionable whether they were even considered,” Stjepanović stated.

He highlighted that the Court did not provide valid arguments for separating the indictments against Dodik and Lukić.

“I think that the proceedings will eventually be merged. Had they followed the Constitution and the law, this process would not have occurred,” Stjepanović mentioned.

He reiterated that Christian Schmidt is not the High Representative.

“There is no UN Security Council resolution,” Stjepanović emphasized.

Source: RTRS
