Whenever Republika Srpska embarks on serious investments, a “barrier” arrives from Sarajevo, said the Attorney General of Republika Srpska, Milimir Govedarica, while guesting on Morning Program on RTRS.

“One more trickery from officials in Sarajevo when it comes to property on Jahorina. The Constitution clearly states that BiH has no jurisdiction over property. Republika Srpska has the right, according to the Constitution, to manage its own property. Article 3 of the Constitution of BiH clearly prescribes the competencies of Republika Srpska,” emphasized Govedarica.

He claims that this is exactly why the “high representative” cannot contest the sale of property or its concession.

“I would like to emphasize that these events are not recent. For example, the Stanari Thermal Power Plant. They attempted to contest its construction then. Whenever we start any serious investment, attempts are made to contest it. You have the example of the Buk Bijela Hydroelectric Power Station, Trebinje Airport, and even the RTV building was a subject of their debate,” added Govedarica.

He pointed out that they also attempted to criminalize it.

“As if it’s against the law. All these were unlawful contests,” noted Govedarica.

Republika Srpska has registered most of the property in its name.

“About 95 percent has been registered, and this continues until the very end,” claims Govedarica.

Govedarica advises not to fall for the tricks from political Sarajevo.

“If we don’t have property, Republika Srpska cannot exist. Transferring property to municipalities, cities, is just an attempt at its disenfranchisement, leading to its disappearance,” Govedarica warned.

Govedarica reminded that in February 1992, the Constitution of Republika Srpska was adopted.

“The Constitution of Republika Srpska was adopted by the unity of Serbian representatives. The Constitution stipulates that Republika Srpska has its property, and that is a strict competency,” stated Govedarica.

Source: RTRS
