The Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Željka Cvijanović, said she is a moderate optimist regarding the opening of negotiations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the EU.

Ahead of tomorrow’s visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina by the foreign ministers of Italy, Austria, and Germany, Cvijanović stated that so many visits by representatives of European countries indicate their interest in seeing how Bosnia and Herzegovina is progressing on its European path.

“I think we need to adopt a rational approach, which must take into account new geopolitical circumstances, if Europe cares to have the Western Balkans represented in the EU, to have its seat and place in EU institutions, and to decide together with colleagues on the fate of the continent,” said Cvijanović for RTRS.

She emphasized that it is important for the EU to change certain aspects of its approach.

“This increased interest shows that the time has come when everyone is aware of the new circumstances and wants to see the countries of the Western Balkans, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, within the EU in a more credible and dedicated manner,” Cvijanović stated.

She reminded of the previous positions of political representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina that just getting the green light for negotiations, without getting a date for negotiations, is not a big deal.

“It is more on a manifestational level because, to have movement in a concrete sense, it implies a whole series of practical operational institutional steps, an intergovernmental conference, and other things that need to be scheduled to start forming negotiation groups, defining the chief negotiator, and determining how negotiation positions are defined,” Cvijanović explained.

She said it remains to be seen “whether it will be that serious or it will just be a green light or if the EU will remain trapped within itself, without the awareness that it needs to extend a hand to the Western Balkans.”

Source: RTRS
