Attorney Goran Bubić stated that he expects the cases against the acting director of the “Official Gazette of the Republika Srpska,” Miloš Lukić, to be rejoined with the case being conducted against the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, at the next hearing on Wednesday, March 6.

Bubić, who is the defense attorney for the President of Srpska, highlighted his anticipation of the commencement of the evidentiary hearing with the examination of witnesses from the BiH Prosecution.

The hearings in the proceedings conducted by the Court of BiH against Dodik and Lukić for disrespecting the decisions of Christian Schmidt are scheduled for March 6 at the same time, announced by the Court on its website.

Both hearings are scheduled for 1:00 PM in courtroom number four.

The indictment was read to Dodik at the hearing on February 5, while Lukić’s indictment was read on February 13.

Lukić’s case was separated from Dodik’s on January 17 by Judge Mirsad Strika of the Court of BiH, who led this process before the case was assigned to Judge Sena Uzunović.

Source: RTRS
