The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, concluded today in Antalya that malicious and illegal interference by the West is the key factor for complicating the political situation in BiH, the Embassy of the Russian Federation announced.

The statement added that the malicious and illegal interference in the internal affairs of sovereign BiH by the West, which leads a neo-colonial course of undermining the Dayton foundations and encroaching on the constitutional rights of its constituent peoples, has been identified as the key factor for complicating the political situation.

“On the margins of the Diplomatic Forum in Antalya, Dodik and Lavrov exchanged opinions on the implementation of agreements reached between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of Republika Srpska in Kazan on February 21. A substantive exchange of opinions between Dodik and Lavrov took place, and in the context of Russia’s role as a guarantor state of the Dayton Agreement, they thoroughly discussed the situation in BiH,” the statement further reads.

The statement also mentioned that the principled Russian support for the Peace Agreement, as the only basis for ensuring stability, security, and development in the country and the region as a whole, was reaffirmed.

Source: RTRS
