President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, emphasized that the outgoing European Parliament has called for sanctions against him because he persistently insists on dialogue and consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), principles upon which the European Union (EU) itself was founded.

“If the pinnacle of these European parliamentarians’ political skill is to propose sanctioning free thought and opinion, then they have definitely chosen the wrong profession,” Dodik stated on social media. He criticized their lack of firsthand knowledge of BiH, accusing them of basing their policies on headlines rather than understanding the country’s history, heritage, and relationships.

Dodik questioned what was destabilizing about insisting on respecting the Dayton Agreement, the Constitution, international law, and the UN Charter. He challenged the notion promoted by Sarajevo’s prosecutors and judges that adhering to the Constitution and laws is punishable, while their violation is desirable behavior.

Highlighting that today’s BiH is the result of an agreement between Republika Srpska and the Federation of BiH, Dodik argued that it is a European standard to seek termination of an agreement when one party fails to honor it. He affirmed that he never sought more for Republika Srpska than what the Dayton Agreement grants, but he will not settle for less.

Dodik accused certain voices in the European Parliament of wanting to impose sanctions that they would also apply to EU country leaders for similar reasons if they could. He criticized the binary view some politicians have, opting for simplistic solutions to complex problems.

Despite reports from the European Commission stating that Republika Srpska and its officials have done the most to bring BiH closer to EU accession talks, Dodik lamented the lack of recognition from certain members of the European Parliament. He also criticized the pressure from diplomats of non-EU countries on BiH’s political partners to refuse agreements related to European laws.

Dodik vowed not to succumb to any pressures, emphasizing his commitment to the oaths he has taken as the democratically elected president of Republika Srpska. “I will never give up on my oaths,” he declared, responding to the European Parliament’s resolution calling for sanctions against him.

Source: RTRS
