The Ministry of Trade and Tourism of the Republika of Srpska has declared Trebinje a tourist destination in the process of the five-year review, a result of the City Administration’s strategic commitment to developing tourism as one of the three main pillars of economic development, alongside energy and agriculture, as announced by the Administration.

According to the Commission for the Declaration of a Tourist Destination, Trebinje received a total of 220 points – 24 based on the volume of tourist traffic, 119 points for tourist infrastructure, and 77 points for tourist superstructure.

  • Compared to the 170 points that the city of Trebinje had in 2018, there has been a significant improvement – the statement said.

The City Administration of Trebinje emphasized that the threshold of a minimum of 85 points required for declaring a local self-government unit a tourist destination has been significantly exceeded.

  • This result obliges every citizen of Trebinje to approach the development of tourism as a prospective economic sector responsibly and to prove that our city is a reflection of all of us. We aim to warmly welcome and bid farewell to all well-intentioned people, hoping they will visit us more frequently and for longer periods – the statement concluded.

Source: RTRS
