The first Constitution of Republika Srpska, one of the most significant constitutive acts that were the basis for the creation of Republika Srpska, was proclaimed on February 28, 1992.

The first step by Serb representatives in Sarajevo and their historic decision to establish the Assembly of the Serbian people in BiH marked the creation of Republika Srpska.

The Assembly of the Serb people in BiH was founded on October 24, 1991, after Serb representatives were outvoted in the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina on October 14.

The Assembly called a plebiscite on the stay of the Serb people in the common state of Yugoslavia, in which almost 100 percent of Serbs in BiH opted for this option.

Muslims and Croats did not recognize the result of the plebiscite, after which all Serb representatives from all parties in the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina continued their work in the Assembly of the Serbian people in BiH and began the adoption of acts that constituted Republika Srpska.

Among about ten constitutive acts that are the constitutional basis for the creation of Republika Srpska, two are the most significant – the Declaration on the Proclamation of Republika Srpska and the Constitution of Republika Srpska.

The Assembly of the Serb people in BiH adopted the Declaration on January 9, and the Constitution on February 28, 1992.

Source: RTRS
