Constitutional law professor Radomir Lukić told RTRS that the Constitution of Republika Srpska guarantees that Srpska will exist and function according to its fundamental law.

“We must oppose any idea of changing the Constitution of BiH with the supposed explanation that it is for the better and modernization. No, it is not; it is a step back. BiH cannot exist in any other form than it currently does,” said Lukić.

He mentioned that Bosniaks do not take into account that the Serbian people have their own distinct identity and that their policy of wanting to change the Constitution and remove the constitutive status of peoples, erase federal units, and form a centralized and unitary BiH is misguided.

“Serbs and Croats cannot neglect their national identity, nor will Bosniaks do so. As long as this is the case, a system that does not recognize federalism and consociational democracy will produce constant conflicts, or BiH will become a large prison from which those who are dissatisfied will flee,” stated Lukić.

The Assembly of the Serb people in BiH adopted the Constitution on February 28, 1992, which was unanimously adopted on the foundations of the Declaration of Establishment, and which guaranteed full equality and equality of peoples and citizens of the Republic.

The Constitution of Republika Srpska, which is still in effect with certain amendments, was adopted before the outbreak of tragic conflicts and the unilateral Bosniak and Croat declaration of independence of BiH after the referendum held on March 1st, in which Serbs did not participate.

Source: RTRS
