The Mayor of Novi Grad, Miroslav Drljaca, stated today that Croatia has not abandoned its plans to store radioactive waste at the Trgovska Gora site, and that this year the key document – the environmental impact study – will be published.

Drljaca believes that Croatia has been working on this project secretly or semi-secretly over the past years.

“For many years, their platitude was that Čerkezovac is not the priority and only location. However, all the time that was a story for our side,” Drljaca said.

Drljaca says that the four years of delaying the start of radioactive waste storage are not the result of reactions from BiH but the fact that Croatia has not completed all activities.

“The key moment this year is the environmental impact study. We will see what exactly is written in that document, and that is the right time for BiH to make its comments and ultimately a decision will be made on how BiH will defend its interests,” Drljaca stated.

The president of the citizens’ association “Green Team,” Mario Crnkovic, said that Croatia continues its activities, and that BiH must take action.

“Croatia plans to use funds from the International Atomic Energy Agency for further development of the project at Trgovska Gora in 2026-2027. We have no choice but to mobilize the academic community and to take action in solving this problem,” Crnkovic stated.

Croatia plans to store radioactive waste from the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, as well as existing institutional waste, at the Trgovska Gora site in the municipality of Dvor, right on the border with BiH.

Source: RTRS
