Republika Srpska and its President Milorad Dodik are recognized as faithful partners in the sovereign part of the world, which is a rarity today, especially if we start from the assumption that there are no friends, only interests, stated Senator of Republika Srpska Milimir Mučibabić.

“In the global conflict between globalists and sovereigntists, where globalists want to finish unfinished business and submerge Republika Srpska into a unitary BiH, Republika Srpska and its leadership have no choice but to align with sovereigntists and those who respect international law and the Dayton Agreement, which they are doing,” Mučibabić emphasized to Srna.

Mučibabić highlighted that Dodik’s recent visits to Belarus and Russia, as well as the planned trip to Turkey and the upcoming arrival of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to Banja Luka, are focused precisely on that part of the world that has an understanding of the sovereigntist concept.

“Few persist in friendly relations with such zeal as the President of Republika Srpska does,” said Mučibabić.

He assessed that the fight for Republika Srpska, in a diplomatic and every other sense, is inevitable, but “awareness and persistence in legitimizing rights and justice are the first prerequisite for success and survival.”

“Republika Srpska is consistent with international sovereignties, not complete, but by signing in Dayton, that fact has become unavoidable. However, when you are consciously, systematically, and systematically questioned, as is happening now, then of course you must seek friends on the other side,” said Mučibabić.

He pointed out that sometimes the battle with powerful globalists may seem futile, like a battle between David and Goliath, but from the standpoint of values, truth, and justice must eventually come to the fore.

“In this sense, I believe it is the imperative of the times, not just for us but globally, to respect norms, not apply double standards, and for the international community to return to respecting international law and international treaties to ensure the much-desired peace,” Mučibabić stated.

Source: RTRS
