Russian historian and academic, Jelena Guskova, assessed that Serbs have long held the front against the West’s offensive on Russia, and they are the only ones in the Balkans who “go against the current,” thanks to the firm stance of the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, whose patriotic position Moscow highly values.

Guskova noted that many Slavic nations have already resigned themselves to the fate of obedient slaves, some still show disobedience, but constantly look back at Western masters, vacillating, and therefore tremble at every shout.

Only the Serbs in Republika Srpska are stubborn and unyielding – said Guskova, who is also a senator of Republika Srpska and a foreign member of the Serb Academy of Sciences and Arts.

It seems, she said, that they are the only ones in the Balkans who “go against the current.”

But we know that soon this “world current” will change, it will break up into small streams, and soon disappear completely. And the path chosen by the steadfast Serbian people will lead them to complete victory – emphasized Guskova.

According to her, all this happens thanks to the patriotism of President Dodik, his unwavering will, and firm stance that only such a path is correct in the difficult conditions of general chaos.

  • All future generations of Serbs will be proud of this choice, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina but also in Serbia, Montenegro, and other countries – Guskova stated.

When the whole world turned against Russia, Guskova emphasized, the President of Republika Srpska did not deviate from his position of friendship with Moscow and Minsk.

  • His meetings with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, are regular, stable, and extremely important for both sides. During their recent meeting in Kazan, both presidents confirmed that the talks were at a high level, not only constant but also constructive – said Guskova.

She pointed out that Moscow highly values Dodik’s patriotic position, which is why he was awarded the Russian Order of Alexander Nevsky for his significant contribution to the development of cooperation between Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and strengthening partnership with Republika Srpska.

  • According to the President of Republika Srpska, this will give strength to the Serb people in Republika Srpska. Dodik understands Russia’s mission in this complex historical moment – Guskova noted.

She emphasized that the Russians also understand the importance of the historical mission of Republika Srpska, which is ready to lead the front of those who strive to change the EU’s policy and goals, which does not impose sanctions on Russia, does not want to enter NATO, and supports the fight against Nazism.

Together, we are invincible – concluded Guskova.

President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, led the delegation of Republika Srpska on a multi-day visit to the Russian Federation, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Republika Srpska delegation previously visited Belarus, where they met with the state leadership, with President Alexander Lukashenko at the forefront.

Source: RTRS
