President of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik stated for RTRS that Russian President Vladimir Putin considers it unacceptable for the assets of Republika Srpska to be seized through the actions of an unelected outsider, such as Christian Schmidt, and that Russia will not accept it.

Dodik stated that Putin expressed agreement with his assessments of the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina during a meeting in Kazan.

“Putin is well aware that foreigners, through an unelected outsider, are attempting to seize our assets, and he considers it unacceptable. Russia will not accept such behavior. Here, the strength of Republika Srpska has resurfaced, and I am proud of it,” Dodik emphasized in an interview for RTRS.

He emphasized the importance for Republika Srpska of having Russia understand the essence of the Dayton Agreement.

“A highly decentralized Bosnia and Herzegovina with strong autonomy like Republika Srpska is what we are seeking. However, Americans have done everything to dismantle it and to push for centralization of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” said Dodik.

The President of Republika Srpska highlighted that Russia has remained principled over the years, protecting the Dayton Agreement.

“It has remained principled even when, under British pressure, the Serbian people were to be qualified as genocidal at the UN. Russia vetoed and prevented such qualification. Imagine, no one thought of saying that for the German people who committed a series of genocides or for Americans who committed the first genocides in the history of nations. But they wanted to qualify a small Serbian people as genocidal just because it was the will of the British. Then the Russians appeared and said ‘no, it’s not true,’ and it didn’t happen. It’s only their intention, the evil will, and hatred of the British towards us, but formally and legally, it’s not,” Dodik stated.

He highlighted that every time the issue of the Dayton Agreement and Bosnia and Herzegovina is raised in the UN Security Council, Russia has the right to speak, and it suits Republika Srpska because it always says what is true and objective.

“Without Russia’s stance on this issue, I believe that if Republika Srpska were to exist today, it would be marginal, an empty shell, a distant memory. When all that is considered, the perseverance of President Putin and his team is impressive, understanding what it’s about and being on the right side of history,” Dodik said.

He noted that Russia supports the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina and internal agreement, not imposition and orders.

“From Putin, you will never hear ‘we will support the independence of Republika Srpska’ or ‘do it.’ No, he consistently says ‘we support the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but we know that people can only live there through agreement of three constituent peoples.’ What Americans have devised about how peoples should disappear and citizens suddenly emerge, that’s another question, an illusion that cannot pass. You have only a small choice – whether to work in illusions or in reality. You will always choose the Russian side because it understands multi-ethnicity, cooperation among peoples, while what America understands – its way of assimilating anyone who comes – Dodik said.

Dodik reminded that Republika Srpska has been opposed to imposing sanctions on Russia from the beginning, stating that the Russian President knows and appreciates it.

“We have shown perseverance in not accepting sanctions against Russia, for which Putin expressed recognition. He understands the complexity of that issue, but it is important to him that there are no formalized sanctions, meaning that the Presidency or the Council of Ministers made that decision. Sometimes an irresponsible ambassador somewhere far away does something. If Republika Srpska had imposed sanctions on Russia, we certainly wouldn’t be sitting here now,” concluded the President of Republika Srpska.

He emphasized that a small community like Republika Srpska has shown courage and strength to say ‘no’ to Western sanctions and to persevere until today, adding that it is not easy and that Russia understands that.

Dodik said that attention, patience, and understanding for Republika Srpska’s position were shown at today’s meeting, and it was conveyed that Russia does not abandon its friends.

Dodik said he heard from Putin that he was invited as an honorary guest to the Games of the Future, which, he says, particularly surprised and pleased him.

Regarding the economic cooperation between Republika Srpska and Russia, Dodik said that the same level regarding gas supply will remain and that they are discussing giving Republika Srpska long-term guarantees and reorganization.

“Putin agreed to that. The new organization implies an approach where we will appear here as partners, but also friends, and we will be able to count on new types of organization and market access. A long-term arrangement would mean that we can provide stability to our partners,” said the President of Republika Srpska.

Speaking of the decoration awarded to him by Putin – the Order of Alexander Nevsky, Dodik emphasized that one had to be born for it and that it is a great honor to receive an order from the Russian president, which is awarded to foreign statesmen.

He added that this is one of the dearest and most important decorations dedicated to all people of Republika Srpska.

“This is the order of Republika Srpska, its perseverance, our future, and it will remain recorded in history as evidence of unwavering friendship and understanding of President Putin and Russia towards Republika Srpska,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
