Political analyst Dragomir Anđelković assessed that the visit of the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, to Belarus has a dual significance – due to bilateral relations with Belarus, but also because it further opens Russian doors and strengthens the good ties between Banja Luka and Moscow.

Speaking about the effects of Dodik’s visit to Minsk, Anđelković highlighted that it is important because Belarus is one of the few Eastern European countries that has preserved its industry and many branches of the economy.

“As such, it can be a partner to the Republika Srpska, regardless of international pressures, because that type of economic cooperation can be realized. Secondly, Belarus is consistent and supports Serbia regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, and the Republika Srpska regarding Dayton, so cooperation with it is significant,” said Anđelković for Srna.

He pointed out that Belarusians appreciate that Dodik acts differently compared to most leaders in Europe, who avoid visiting Minsk and maintaining relations with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.

Anđelković assessed that the second component of Dodik’s visit to Minsk is also very important, which is the relationship with Russia, because through Belarus as Russia’s closest ally, Russian doors are further opened.

“Therefore, Russia highly values when someone maintains good relations with Minsk and Lukashenko, as they are now completely demonized by the West. This is a kind of test of readiness for relations with Russia. Whoever is ready to maintain good relations with Lukashenko is ready to be a true partner to Russia,” explained Anđelković.

He emphasized that strengthening ties with Belarus and Russia is significant both for the Republika Srpska and for Serbs in general.

The President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, leads the delegation of Srpska that is on a two-day visit to Belarus.

Source: RTRS
