The Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Staša Košarac, emphasized that Republika Srpska supports EU integration and it is unquestionable that it actively works on meeting the conditions on this path, imperatively advocating for an agreement between the two entities and three constituent peoples.

Košarac pointed out that, on the other hand, it is evident that certain officials of the “Troika” euphorically talk about Bosnia and Herzegovina’s European path when visiting the EU but do not show readiness to fulfill what political leaders agree on domestically.

Contrarily, Košarac highlighted, they typically betray domestic agreements under the influence of the US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Michael Murphy, Christian Schmidt, and other Western mentors.

“The Minister of Foreign Affairs in the Council of Ministers, Elmedin Konaković, even went a step further, speaking about NATO integrations at the Munich Security Conference?!!! Let them not live the dream of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s membership in NATO! They should stop deceiving people, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Europe and the world, because they will not be watching that movie,” Košarac stated, reacting to Konaković’s statement that the Munich Security Conference discussed cooperation with NATO and, as he said, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s future integration into this military alliance.

Košarac emphasized that Republika Srpska would never consent to NATO membership, as it is against its interests.

“We have clearly stated that cooperation with this military alliance is the maximum we can discuss. Membership NO. It really baffles me how they have not understood this by now. There will be nothing from Bosnia and Herzegovina’s integration into NATO. Nor will there be. Therefore, they should stop their insidious practice of discussing NATO integrations in international and domestic circles,” Košarac posted on Instagram.

Instead of dealing with the futile topic of NATO membership around Europe and the world, Košarac said, it would be much better for the representatives of the “Troika” to return to reality and internal agreements.

“All proposals from the SNSD and the coalition from Republika Srpska are in accordance with the Constitution and Dayton. It’s the “Troika’s” turn to accept this and to continue activities to secure a negotiation date. Otherwise, the “Troika” will bear the responsibility for the stall on the EU path!” Košarac, the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers, concluded.

Source: RTRS
