The Russian city of Shuya is ready to expand cooperation with partners from Serbia and Republika Srpska and establish sister city relationships with Serb cities, stated Natalia Koryagina, the head of the Shuya urban district.

“I believe that developing economic, social, cultural, and sports ties with Serbia and Republika Srpska is extremely beneficial,” Koryagina said.

She mentioned that there is a branch of the Ivanovo State University in the city of Shuya and considers it important to establish student and professor exchanges with Serbian universities.

Koryagina pointed out that employees in the city’s schools strive to develop cooperation with colleagues from Balkan countries.

“Since 2018, School No. 11 in Shuya has hosted a Russian-Serb club. It is very interesting for the children, and I would like our children to establish communication with their peers from Serbia and Republika Srpska,” Koryagina told the Russian Newspaper.

Today, a creative workshop of the Russian-Serbian club members was held at this school, and a collection titled “Slavic Mosaic” was published especially for this event.

Source: RTRS
