Milorad Kojić, a member of the SNSD party in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH, stated that the judiciary of BiH, by implementing certain policies of BiH’s unitarization, has lost its reason for existence, which is non-discrimination and fair procedures.

“It is obvious that the judiciary serves as a tool for persecuting Serbs for years, starting from the processes that have been and are being conducted for war crimes,” Kojić told Srna, adding that, on the other hand, there is a complete anemia when it comes to prosecuting crimes against Serbs committed by Bosniaks.

Kojić reminded that in BiH there is a situation where certain cases are open, but the court processes in them drag on indefinitely.

As an example, he mentioned the trial of the former commander of the Fifth Corps of the so-called Army of BiH, Atif Dudaković, who is being tried in the Court of BiH for crimes against Serbs, but no main hearing has been held for more than a year.

In contrast to this case, when it comes to the urgency of proceedings, is the case against the President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the “Official Gazette,” Miloš Lukić.

“We see the desire to conclude the process against Dodik as soon as possible. We see that there is also a background of part of the international community that wants to remove Dodik from the international scene,” Kojić said.

According to him, exactly that part of the international community supports the non-prosecution of crimes against Serbs and non-prosecution of Bosniaks, and the hiding and non-extradition of convicted Bosniaks to serve their sentences, as is the case of the former commander of the Third Corps of the so-called Army of BiH, Sakib Mahmuljin, who was sentenced by the Court of BiH to eight years in prison for crimes committed in 1995 against Serbs in Vozuća and Zavidovići.

“We have complete silence there, while for everything that is led against Serbs for war crimes, as well as against President Dodik for a fabricated act, an act that does not exist, we have a significant influence of the international community and their pushing to bring it to an end,” Kojić concluded.

Source: RTRS
