The President of Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, stated in Belgrade that March 1st is not a holiday for Serbs in Republika Srpska and it will never be celebrated.

Responding to the call from Bosniak nationalists to organize the largest car parade with lily flags on March 1st, he said that Republika Srpska might have irritated the Bosniaks with its January 9th celebration, but such a parade will not happen in Republika Srpska.

“If they want to mark it massively, it will show that it is their date, not ours. So far, when they hid it in some receptions, it was difficult for us to show that we are not part of them. Now, when they do something like this, similar to ‘ala drones’ that we have already done, we will only see it with them, not with us, and that will be a clear difference between what we are and what they are,” Dodik told Srna.

A former member of the “El Mujahideen” unit, Sanin Musa, has called for a car parade with the war flags of the so-called Army of BiH on March 1st, which is marked as the “day of independence of BiH” in a part of the Federation of BiH.

In the call “Bosnia calls you,” which is spreading on social networks, Bosniaks are invited to organize the largest car parade ever on March 1st.

In parts of the Federation of BiH with a majority Bosniak population, March 1st is celebrated as the so-called day of independence of BiH because on this date in 1992, against the will of the Serb people, an illegal referendum on independence and secession of BiH from SFRY was held.

This date is not celebrated in Republika Srpska as it symbolizes the outvoting and majorization of the Serbian people and marks the date when Serbian wedding guest Nikola Gardović was killed in Baščaršija, Sarajevo, in 1992.

Source: RTRS
