A new strike on European laws and the agreement of domestic politicians. The Vice President of the Federation of BiH and a member of the Party of Democratic Action, Refik Lendo, has threatened that if the law on the Constitutional Court of BiH is on the agenda of the negotiations of actors forming the government at the level of BiH, he will demand a change of the name of the Republika Srpska. From Srpska, they tell Lendo to read the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH, where it is clearly stated that the Republic of Srpska is a Dayton category and that no one can change that.

As March approaches and the decision of the European Council on whether BiH will receive a date for opening accession negotiations, there are increasingly frequent attempts from Sarajevo to undermine the internal agreement, and thereby the European path of BiH.

This time, the Vice President of the Federation, SDA cadre Refik Lendo, is sabotaging the efforts. In the amendments to the Electoral Law and the law on the Constitutional Court of BiH, which are part of the 14 European priorities, Lendo sees a conspiracy by Milorad Dodik and Dragan Čović. He threatens to raise the issue of the name of the Republika Srpska if Dodik insists on a new law on the Constitutional Court of BiH.

The President of Srpska did not want to comment on Lendo’s statement, saying he doesn’t even know who that is.

Dodik gives more importance to the European path and, above all, the agreement of domestic political actors. He reiterated that if there is a breakdown of the internal agreement on amendments to the Electoral Law and if Christian Schmidt dares to impose a law on property, the Republic of Srpska knows what to do.

“If we want to still try to give a chance to an agreement, because we are not naive and stupid, if they give us an opportunity, we will do it. If that nothingness called Schmidt, with the assistance of an even bigger nothingness called the American ambassador Murphy, imposes anything about property, the same night we will make a decision on the independence of the Republic of Srpska,” emphasized Dodik.

On Lendo’s claims, the Prime Minister of Srpska, Radovan Višković, says – complete ignorance of the Dayton Agreement and the Constitution of BiH. Višković says such performances are a reflection of the political state in which BiH is currently.

“The most worrying thing is that it has become a practice in political Sarajevo to interpret constitutions and legal norms arbitrarily, with the absence of condemnation by those whose duty it is. I will never understand someone who sabotages all forms of joint agreements of the three constituent peoples on which BiH should rest, agrees to have foreigners impose norms, rules, and laws,” emphasized the Prime Minister of Srpska.

The Serb member of the Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, says, unlike foreign judges whose activity is limited by the Dayton Agreement to five years, the name of the Republika Srpska is not questioned by anything.

“Bosniaks want a state, but they don’t know how to behave like a state, they want the respect of others, but they have no respect for their state. They supposedly want its success, but they do everything to keep it unsuccessful and more foreign than it is ours who live in it,” says Cvijanović.

The need for a “domestic” agreement was recently agreed upon by the representative of the European Union, Angelina Eichhorst, who, while visiting Sarajevo, clearly stated that the European Union would respect that agreement. The EU might want it, but the representatives of political Sarajevo do not.

Dodik explained that after the meeting of the coalition in Laktaši, at the meeting in Sarajevo two days later, representatives of the “troika” rejected the document they had previously compiled with which he “agreed 99 percent.”

“This happened after the American ambassador held a lecture and thus showed that he is the ambassador of the US in FBiH. We see the same today, some working groups are meeting, but nothing comes of it because Bosniaks have abandoned the previous agreement they had under pressure from the American ambassador. This is the result of the fact that the American ambassador held a public lecture on what can and cannot be done,” claims Dodik.

In political Sarajevo, it seems “a new day, a new excuse for breaking the internal agreement.” Meanwhile, foreign mentors are rubbing their hands.

Source: RTRS
