Sarajevo’s parties, instead of an equal and partnership relationship, are once again pushing the narrative about “the rights of the most numerous people” to decide on processes in BiH. Every attempt of theirs to deny the fundamental principles upon which this state community rests is killing both Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated Milorad Dodik, the President of the Republika Srpska.

“Here we are again at the same conclusion. Anyone following political events can arrive at the same conclusion – the Americans have played their part again. ‘The Trio’ tried to present themselves as the bearers of change and constructive partners, but in essence, they are subordinates who cannot carry out and complete the story related to fulfilling the reforms demanded by the EU for one simple reason – it displeases the Americans,” wrote Dodik on the social network X.

And now we all stand, Dodik notes, stuck until the Americans invent something new that “the Trio” can present as their own.

“The Netherlands is particularly active these days. Minister Konaković even more so. When sanctions against officials from Srpska were raised based on the writings of various portals and media serving foreigners, not based on actual facts, representatives of Bosniaks were gleeful and themselves called for it to be brought to an end, to prevent my political activity and isolate Srpska and to raise indictments,” says Dodik.

He emphasizes that the real purpose of all this was to discipline the Serbs.

“That’s how America operates. If they cannot buy you, they will destroy you. It’s clear. Now, when they write about them, it’s not so indifferent, they say those are lies. They commented and greeted the indictment against me with the same fervor, and the question is when they will start raising indictments against them too.

He asserts that BiH has neither judiciary nor the rule of law.

“In such a distorted BiH, America has the say, but in Srpska, the people and the representatives of the Serb nation lead a policy aimed at protecting Serb interests. We are ready for the EU, and we show it openly with concrete actions, but without the readiness of the other side, there is no European path,” emphasized Dodik.

He states that Bosniaks are faced with the most important decision, and the fate of BiH will depend on their decision.

“America cannot make decisions instead of elected representatives, nor can Bosniaks achieve the dominance they dream of. Everyone needs to accept the only possible solution that ensures peace and stability in BiH, which is the consistent implementation of the Dayton Agreement. Without it, there will be neither BiH nor a European path,” Dodik concluded.

Source: RTRS
