Radovan Kovačević, a delegate in the Club of Serbs in the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, stated that the goal of the trial against the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, and the acting director of the Official Gazette, Miloš Lukić, is to humiliate the Republika Srpska and to remove Dodik from political life to make it easier to deal with Srpska.

“There’s no court or justice here; this isn’t about an indictment that’s part of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s legal system but rather a fabrication by a foreigner who walked into Bosnia and Herzegovina and declared he would rule as he pleases. When he saw he couldn’t do so with the Republika Srpska and President Dodik, he wrote that anyone who doesn’t listen to him and doesn’t obey his nonsense will go to prison and will be tried,” Kovačević told RTRS.

Regarding the start of Lukić’s trial, Kovačević said that today in the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an indictment will be read against a man who has never broken the law or committed any offense.

“Today he will be tried because he respected the laws and institutions, firstly the President of the Republika Srpska and the National Assembly of Srpska,” he said.

Kovačević stated that similarly, the president, whom they have unsuccessfully tried to criminalize for years, is being tried based on a decision imposed by an unelected foreigner when their farce failed.

“This is a complete circus aimed at humiliating the Republika Srpska and showing it is not strong, but all this makes it stronger because the will of the people is becoming stronger. I repeat – sue the Republika Srpska, and you will judge Bosnia and Herzegovina,” emphasized Kovačević.

Regarding the new judge in the cases against Dodik and Lukić, Sena Uzunović, Kovačević said she was appointed with one task – to settle scores with the Republika Srpska, Dodik, and Lukić, and to exclude Dodik from the political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

“This does not happen anywhere in the world. When Mirsad Strika was chosen as the judge in the case against Dodik and Lukić, it was known when he would retire, but they chose him because he suited them. It’s obvious that they demanded something from him in the meantime and that he was not willing to do it, leading to his swift removal and replacement by a SDA cadre,” he said.

Kovačević says that in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Dodik is seen as a threat to the survival of Bosnia and Herzegovina because he does not conduct a policy in the interest of any foreigner, embassy, or foreign state, but an authentic policy in the interest of the Republika Srpska and all its citizens.

“Dodik is now being tried for respecting the Constitution and carrying out his constitutional duty,” he said.

Regarding the security of the President of Srpska in Sarajevo, Kovačević said that the information from the security sector should not be questioned.

“When people from the security sector say there is a danger and indications that someone is threatened, there is no reason to doubt it. We trust the assessments of our security structures, but we know that the police of the Republika Srpska are trained, capable, and able to protect all protected individuals, primarily the president of Srpska,” emphasized Kovačević.

Speaking about the meeting of partners in government at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kovačević said that it is crucial to hold discussions between representatives of the sovereign entities, which are the three peoples and two entities.

He stated that representatives of the Republika Srpska do not agree to imposed solutions and pressures from foreigners.

“We try to discuss and find solutions with partners. Often, we manage to agree at meetings, and then, due to pressure from foreigners and the opposition from Sarajevo, representatives of the ‘Troika’ withdraw from those agreements. We agree on a solution, and then the American ambassador /Michael Murphy/ says it’s unacceptable. Who is he? He’s an ambassador, we want cooperation with him as with other ambassadors and respect the power of the USA, but he is not the one who should be creating solutions here, but us, because we live here,” stressed Kovačević.

Kovačević emphasized that the only sustainable solutions are those agreed upon by representatives of the three peoples and two entities, and without that, there is no solution good for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Source: RTRS
