The Serb Literary Club “Vihor” from Derventa participated yesterday in Novi Sad at the fifth Homeland Fair, and based on years of cooperation and contacts, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Understanding was signed with the Association of Homeland Serbs “Koreni” from Sombor.

The memorandum was signed by the president of “Vihor” and the president of the club’s Executive Board, Nenad Simić, and Milorad Đurđević, on behalf of “Koreni”, by Mićo Trišić.

“The memorandum is just a continuation of our years-long cooperation and an introduction to a larger form of ties, and it is about preparing a twinning that will follow on the day of the International Ilinje Poetry Meeting ‘Prljača’,” Simić said.

The “Vihor” members presented their club’s publications, promoted events they organize, and other activities and events in the city of Derventa.

Trišić emphasized that today’s act of signing the memorandum is a step towards a greater form of ties with “Vihor”.

“Although our ties and contacts have been at a high level for years, thanks to Simić and Đurđević who initiated this form of cooperation, this becomes a far more serious form of cooperation and understanding, whose fruits and results we can yet expect,” Trišić said.

The fair, which features 160 exhibitors from Serbia, Montenegro, Republika Srpska, Hungary, and Croatia, was opened by the Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs of the Government of Serbia, Nikola Selaković, and the Minister of Defence, Miloš Vučević.

Source: Glas Srpske
