The head of the SNSD parliamentary group in the House of Representatives of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sanja Vulić, emphasized that there are certain pieces of information from circles within the US Embassy about a plot to assassinate the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik.

“Intelligence officers are certainly working on verifying all this information,” Vulic stated for RTRS.

She mentioned the preparation of “a new Nikola Gardović.”

“The question is who among us will be the new Gardović. That’s why they cut down trees near the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, precisely for a sniper’s view,” Vulić explained.

She highlights that the essential problem is the question of property.

“There are a large number of mines and other deposits in Bosnia and Herzegovina, most of them in the Republika Srpska. That’s why they have set their sights on the property. The American and British ambassadors forced the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to sell land in Vares to a British company,” she emphasized.

She pointed out that the latest threats directed at her are essentially directed at the Republika Srpska and the Serb people.

“We call for coexistence, forgiveness, and respect for the Dayton Agreement, while they are arming themselves and threatening new conflicts. This is a threat to all Serbs. They are emboldened by the international community that supports them,” Vulić stated.

She declared that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country of despair.

“We are not living in a democracy at all; this is a heavy protectorate. Judges and prosecutors in the judiciary of Bosnia and Herzegovina apply a non-existent law of the American ambassador Michael Murphy,” Vulić emphasized.

Source: Atv
